Duell Bike-Center
Duell Bike-Center Ltd is a leading importer and distributor of apparel, accessories and parts of motorcycle, snowmobile, moped and ATV in Finland. All the brands we represent are world leaders in their fields. Our reseller network covers whole Finland. (Duell does not sell imported products to private customers.)
Browse thru our product selection and please contact your closest reseller after finding products that interests you. We have overnight delivery to all parts of Finland.
Our resellers will serve you with a best possible knowledge and guide you in choosing the right product to your need.
MUSTASAARI (Headquarters and warehouse)
Kauppatie 19
Organisation number: 2464132-0
Tel. +358 20 118 000 (16,69 snt/min)
Fax. +358 6 322 2231
e-mail: support@duell.eu
Facebook @duellfinland | Instagram @duellfinland | LinkedIn @Duell Bike-Center Oy | YouTube @Duell Europe